1Can you make this special design for me?
Yes, we can design custom headstones to accommodate individual requests, depending on if there enough time is allotted. This can take up to 4-6 months depending on cutting, polishing and shipping times.
2How long do I have to wait before erecting a headstone?
We find that generally most families will unveil the memorial on the first anniversary of their loved ones passing. However, some cultures maintain that the stone cannot be erected until the ground is settled.
Some headstones are organized in advanced and are completed in time for the funeral. This was very apt for the loved ones renowned for their efficiency and organized lives.
Some cope with grief by not facing this decision as it is too painful and they may do something about it after 30-40 years when their own mortality is in question. This is a personal decision and there is no right or wrong way, it is what is comfortable for you.
3Can I put any stone, size or shape I like into a (Public) council cemetery?
No. check with them first or ask us, we can advise you on cemetery bylaws size regulations, shape and what is allowed. Some council cemeteries require a permit application and permit fee which varies around the country from council to council. This is additional to the cost of purchasing your cemetery plot. If you wish we can take care of permit applications for you. Our professional installers will install to local government rules, regulations and safety specifications for that particular cemetery
4Can I put any stone, size or shape into a private or Maori cemetery?
Private cemeteries are not governed by strict regulations and restrictions, common sense and obvious building standards and safe practices must be followed. Check first with the kaitiaki, kaumatua or kuia of the cemetery they will be able to advise you if only a certain type is allowed, or we can check if a common pattern/theme emerges of our previous completed installations. Certain cemeteries may require a panui notifying the community of any work to be undertaken in the cemetery, common courtesies prevail if needed on private land for access etc.
5Do I have to have a religious ceremony when the stone goes on?
No. But that depends on your religion. Once again it is very much a personal thing. Family members may all decide on no ceremony at all or to have a picnic and or drink by the headstone in honor and remembrance of the loved one, right through to a full blown graveside dedication service complete with priest, bishop, pastor, lay preacher, minister, swami, monk, holy man, JP etc.
6How long will granite last?
Judging by ancient architecture built with granite sourced from the same quarries our headstones are made from, granite can last up to 2000 years and more. The lettering which is cut into the stone will last the same length of time however the paint used to colour the lettering, like all paint will flake, fade and peel. This is easily cleaned repainted and polished and the stone will look like new every time.
7 What can we do to prevent moss on the headstone?
Wash the stone at least once a year with soapy water and wipe clean when practical with a dry soft cloth. Moss growth is influenced by layout of cemetery i.e. which way it is facing, proximity to trees, amount of grass blow from lawnmowers, bird droppings, dead flower and leaf deposits, road dust, rainfall etc. the polished edge headstones are much easier to keep clean than those with the rough rock edge.
8What is the difference between a desk and a plate?
As shown below a desk has a thicker more stable base than a plate which has a parallel thickness.

9How much does a it cost to engrave a Headstone?
We provide free design, artwork and lettering from our standard database of artwork on any of our headstones at the time of purchase. This does not include adding inscriptions to existing headstones. If you have a special design there may be a fee to convert this piece of artwork into a ‘cut file’ This depends on the size and complexity of the artwork. Please discuss your requirements with us.
10What is your refund/cancellation and payment terms?
A 50% deposit is required on confirmation of the order to proceed. Full payment is required prior to installation or pick up of the memorial. If a custom stone has been commissioned or work has begun then we will be unable to refund your deposit. If no work has been carried out on the headstone then we may charge a fee to cover our time and refund a portion of the deposit. .
11I have seen a memorial headstone I like but it’s not on your website, can you make it for me?
Yes, we can quote for any memorial stone that you have seen. We are a highly competitive company and happy to quote on any stone you have seen.
If you have a one of custom design send us your ideas and we will work with you to bring your design to fruition
12Will I be able to see a layout of the memorial?
We will always provide you a proof of the final design before any work is started.
If you require an added inscription, we will take a photo of the existing headstone and overlay the new inscription so you can see how it will look once it is completed.
13Can I install a headstone or memorial myself.
Within the Whangarei District Council Public Cemetery. Only a qualified installer is recommended to install the headstones. However, you are able to install memorials in private cemeteries or urupa. We are happy to provide any instructions if you choose to install a memorial yourself..
14How much are cemetery permit fees?
ALL Whangarei District Council Public Cemetery Permit fee are $44 - http://www.wdc.govt.nz/FacilitiesandRecreation/Cemeteries/Pages/default.aspx
Kaurihohore Cemetery Permit is $50
Waipu Cemetery Permit is $50
Far North District Council – currently no fee required. https://www.fndc.govt.nz/Our-Facilities/Cemeteries
Dargaville Cemeteries – currently no fee required - https://www.kaipara.govt.nz/services/cemeteries
Please note that each council or cemetery trust may increase these fees at any time.
For any other cemeteries not mentioned here please discuss with us.
We will complete the cemetery permit with required diagrams, photos and measurements and submit the permit to council on your behalf.